My work explores different forms of memorialisation, questioning how notions of remembrance and mourning intersect with the tangibility of memory. I explore the space between grief and love, between sadness and pride, honouring and letting go. It's a space that is uniquely individual and yet powerfully universal. Unusually, working in this solitary space allows for connection.
My use of materials and processes reflects how memory can be re-contextualised - sometimes, but not always - to our own advantage. The resulting objects are often physically fragile to reflect the skin-like vulnerability of my own recollection.
I am also interested in the language of emotion, and how this can be harnessed to physical things – particularly textile objects. Emotional healing can happen through the transformative act of sustained and mindful making. Connecting invisible to visible, past to present, in the physical act of repair. I enjoy working with processes of translation, coding systems and binary constructions. I have explored how visibility and legibility address the legacy of shame attached to the expression of overt emotion.